ESPN: Summer X Games 16

A Reliable Source :30

Everything you witness at the X Games– the courses, the moves, the events– represents an unprecedented progression in action sports. Athletes and course designers work year round on new stuff that will only be unveiled at the Games. Playing off the theme of prime time network news programs, each of our spots featured a fan that somehow stumbled across an athlete as he was preparing for X Games 16, and surreptitiously captured video of their tricks. As a public service, each fan felt compelled to share his discovery with the world, but only if their identities could be concealed. The print campaign reinforced the clandestine nature of the captured footage as each athlete was viewed through subterfuge on several different handheld devices. As a bonus each of the event posters contained a QR code that unlocked special content captured by the "whistle blowers." The content, which featured exclusive behind the scenes footage and interviews of the athletes, contributed to over 65,000 channel views at the X Games YouTube channel in the weeks leading up to the games.

A Taller Fence :30

Foam Pits :30

Something Big :15

Smells :15

Guestimate :15


Online: QR Code Content