In the summer of 2007, The Learning Channel launched a groundbreaking gaming site. The purpose: invite its 30-something viewers to take a different look at the various stages of their lives. The games, which covered topics from dinner party fights to chasing down your kids in the grocery store, took daily challenges familiar to their audience and translated them into realistic, if not slightly sensationalized, high-energy brand experiences. In spite of limited media support on TLC and, the site was a runaway success, garnering almost 1,000,000 game plays within the first six weeks of launch.
She's Wearing My Dress/ Play>
Fixer Upper /Play>
In The Mood /Play>
Escape From Souvenir Land /Play>
Rascal Round-up /Play>
Bag That Style /Play>
Dump The Chump /Play>
Game Screens:
Out Of Home: TLC Game Console